
Competitors' Choice

Competitors' Choice

  • Whitetail Deer (Yawning Buck) Whitetail Deer (Yawning Buck)
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    Whitetail Deer (Yawning Buck)

    This manikin was sculpted by Competitors’ Choice sculptor Pat Wagner which he used to mount his “Best in the World” Yawning buck entry. Suggested eye size is 32mm. A.  7 1/4" B. 17 1/2" C. 18 Direction: Left
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  • Whitetail Deer | CC (Semi-Sneak) Whitetail Deer | CC (Semi-Sneak)
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    Whitetail Deer | CC (Semi-Sneak)

    $75.95 - $88.95
    The "Competitors' Choice" semi-sneak pose is one of the most popular and attractive on the market. The semi-sneak gives a very natural whitetail appearance. Just like all of the "Competitors' Choice" manikins, the semi-sneak is very detailed and sculpted...
    $75.95 - $88.95
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  • Whitetail Deer | CC (Semi-Upright) Whitetail Deer | CC (Semi-Upright)
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    Whitetail Deer | CC (Semi-Upright)

    $66.95 - $89.95
    The Competitors' Choice line of whitetail deer, are sculpted by Competitors for competitors. Brian Olson, Pat Wagner and Mike Yeska have spent countless hours and many years studying and sculpting a more accurate line of whitetail forms for today's...
    $66.95 - $89.95
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  • Whitetail Deer | CC (Upright Offset) Whitetail Deer | CC (Upright Offset)
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    Whitetail Deer | CC (Upright Offset)

    $79.95 - $87.95
    The upright offset series of Competitors' Choice manikins is a taller, very alert pose. This manikin features an offset shoulder and a graceful natural turn to the neck. The upright offset manikin will make a very beautiful trophy. Suggested eye size is...
    $79.95 - $87.95
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  • Whitetail Deer | CC (Wall Pedestal) Whitetail Deer | CC (Wall Pedestal)
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    Whitetail Deer | CC (Wall Pedestal)

    $79.95 - $80.95
    The wall pedestal series of Competitors' Choice manikins is an alert pose with a graceful sweep of the neck. The chest and shoulders of this manikin hang parallel to the wall while the turn of the neck looks out at the viewer. This manikin will make a...
    $79.95 - $80.95
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